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Static Routing with Funcchain and Pydantic



This serves as an example of how to implement static routing using funcchain for decision-making and Enum for route selection. This is a useful task for applications that need to route user requests to specific handlers based on the content of the request. You can adapt this for your own usage.

Full Code Example

from enum import Enum
from typing import Any

from funcchain import chain, settings
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

settings.console_stream = True

def handle_pdf_requests(user_query: str) -> None:
    print("Handling PDF requests with user query: ", user_query)

def handle_csv_requests(user_query: str) -> None:
    print("Handling CSV requests with user query: ", user_query)

def handle_default_requests(user_query: str) -> Any:
    print("Handling DEFAULT requests with user query: ", user_query)

class RouteChoices(str, Enum):
    pdf = "pdf"
    csv = "csv"
    default = "default"

class Router(BaseModel):
    selector: RouteChoices = Field(description="Enum of the available routes.")

    def invoke_route(self, user_query: str) -> Any:
        match self.selector.value:
            case RouteChoices.pdf:
                return handle_pdf_requests(user_query)
            case RouteChoices.csv:
                return handle_csv_requests(user_query)
            case RouteChoices.default:
                return handle_default_requests(user_query)

def route_query(user_query: str) -> Router:
    return chain()

user_query = input("Enter your query: ")
routed_chain = route_query(user_query)


Enter your query:
$ I need to process a CSV file

Handling CSV requests with user query: I need to process a CSV file



We will implement a script with the functionality to take a user query, determine the type of request (PDF, CSV, or default), and invoke the appropriate handler function.

Necessary Imports

from enum import Enum
from typing import Any
from funcchain import chain, settings
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

Define Route Handlers

These functions are the specific handlers for different types of user queries.

def handle_pdf_requests(user_query: str) -> None:
    print("Handling PDF requests with user query: ", user_query)

def handle_csv_requests(user_query: str) -> None:
    print("Handling CSV requests with user query: ", user_query)

def handle_default_requests(user_query: str) -> Any:
    print("Handling DEFAULT requests with user query: ", user_query)

Create RouteChoices Enum and Router Model

RouteChoices is an Enum that defines the possible routes. Router is a Pydantic model that selects and invokes the appropriate handler based on the route.

class RouteChoices(str, Enum):
    pdf = "pdf"
    csv = "csv"
    default = "default"

class Router(BaseModel):
    selector: RouteChoices = Field(description="Enum of the available routes.")

    def invoke_route(self, user_query: str) -> Any:
        match self.selector.value:
            case RouteChoices.pdf:
                return handle_pdf_requests(user_query)
            case RouteChoices.csv:
                return handle_csv_requests(user_query)
            case RouteChoices.default:
                return handle_default_requests(user_query)

Implement Routing Logic

The route_query function is intended to determine the best route for a given user query using the chain() function.

def route_query(user_query: str) -> Router:
    return chain()

Execute the Routing System

This block runs the routing system, asking the user for a query and then processing it through the defined routing logic.

user_query = input("Enter your query: ")
routed_chain = route_query(user_query)