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The chain function abstracts away all the magic happening in the funcchain backend. It extracts the docstring, input arguments and return type of the function and compiles everything into a langchain prompt.

from funcchain import chain

def ask(question: str) -> str:
    Answer the given question.
    return chain()

ask("What is the capital of Germany?")
# => "The capital of Germany is Berlin."


Async version of the chain() function.

import asyncio
from funcchain import achain

async def ask(question: str) -> str:
    Answer the given question.
    return await achain()"What is the capital of Germany?"))
# => "The capital of Germany is Berlin."


The @runnable decorator is used to compile a chain function into a langchain runnable object. You just write a normal funcchain function using chain() and then decorate it with @runnable.

from funcchain import chain, runnable

def ask(question: str) -> str:
    Answer the given question.
    return chain()

ask.invoke(input={"question": "What is the capital of Germany?"})
# => "The capital of Germany is Berlin."