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Local Models

Funcchain supports local models through the llama.cpp project using the llama_cpp_python bindings.


Written in highly optimized C++ code, LlamaCPP is a library for running large language models locally. It uses GGUF files which are a binary format for storing quantized versions of large language models. You can download alot of GGUF models from TheBloke on huggingface.


Context Free Grammars are a powerful abstraction for a deterministic shape of a string. Funcchain utilizes this by forcing local models to respond in a structured way.

For example you can create a grammar that forces the model to always respond with a json object. This is useful if you want to use the output of the model in your code.

Going one step further you can also create a grammar that forces the model to respond with a specific pydantic model.

This is how funcchain is able to use local models in a structured way.