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Image Analysis with Funcchain and Pydantic


This is a useful task for applications that need to extract structured information from images. You can adapt this for your own usage. This serves as an example of how to implement image analysis using the funcchain library's integration with openai/gpt-4-vision-preview.

Full Code Example

from funcchain import Image, chain, settings
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

settings.llm = "openai/gpt-4-vision-preview"
settings.console_stream = True

class AnalysisResult(BaseModel):
    """The result of an image analysis."""

    theme: str = Field(description="The theme of the image")
    description: str = Field(description="A description of the image")
    objects: list[str] = Field(description="A list of objects found in the image")

def analyse_image(image: Image) -> AnalysisResult:
    Analyse the image and extract its
    theme, description and objects.
    return chain()

example_image = Image.from_file("examples/assets/old_chinese_temple.jpg")

result = analyse_image(example_image)

print("Theme:", result.theme)
print("Description:", result.description)
for obj in result.objects:
    print("Found this object:", obj)

Example Output

Theme: Traditional Japanese architecture and nature during rainfall
Description: The image depicts a serene rainy scene with traditional Japanese buildings. The warm glow of lights from the windows contrasts with the cool tones of the rain. A cherry blossom tree in bloom adds a splash of color to the otherwise muted scene. Stone lanterns and stepping stones create a path leading to the building, while hanging lanterns with a skull motif suggest a cultural or festive significance.
Found this object: traditional Japanese building
Found this object: cherry blossom tree
Found this object: rain
Found this object: stepping stones
Found this object: stone lantern
Found this object: hanging lanterns with skull motif
Found this object: glowing windows



Oiur goal is the functionality is to analyze an image and extract its theme, a description, and a list of objects found within it.

Necessary Imports

from funcchain import Image, chain, settings
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

Configure Settings

The settings are configured to use a specific language model capable of image analysis and to enable console streaming for immediate output.

settings.llm = "openai/gpt-4-vision-preview"
settings.console_stream = True

Define the AnalysisResult Model

The AnalysisResult class models the expected output of the image analysis, including the theme, description, and objects detected in the image.

class AnalysisResult(BaseModel):
    theme: str = Field(description="The theme of the image")
    description: str = Field(description="A description of the image")
    objects: list[str] = Field(description="A list of objects found in the image")

Implement the Image Analysis Function

The analyse_image function is designed to take an Image object and use the chain function to process the image and return an AnalysisResult object for later usage (here printing).

def analyse_image(image: Image) -> AnalysisResult:
    return chain()

Execute the Analysis

This block runs the image analysis on an example image and prints the results when the script is executed directly.

example_image = Image.from_file("examples/assets/old_chinese_temple.jpg")
result = analyse_image(example_image)
print("Theme:", result.theme)
print("Description:", result.description)
for obj in result.objects:
    print("Found this object:", obj)