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Decision Making with Enums and Funcchain



In this example, we will use the enum module and funcchain library to build a decision-making system. This is a useful task for creating applications that require predefined choices or responses. You can adapt this for your own usage. This serves as an example of how to implement decision-making logic using enums and the funcchain library.

Full Code Example

A simple system that takes a question and decides a 'yes' or 'no' answer based on the input.

from enum import Enum
from funcchain import chain
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Answer(str, Enum):
    yes = "yes"
    no = "no"

class Decision(BaseModel):
    answer: Answer

def make_decision(question: str) -> Decision:
    Based on the question decide yes or no.
    return chain()

print(make_decision("Do you like apples?"))


$ make_decision("Do you like apples?")

answer=<Answer.yes: 'yes'>



Necessary Imports

from enum import Enum
from funcchain import chain
from pydantic import BaseModel

Define the Answer Enum

The Answer enum defines possible answers as 'yes' and 'no', which are the only valid responses for the decision-making system. Experiment by using and describing other enums.

class Answer(str, Enum):
    yes = "yes"
    no = "no"

Create the Decision Model

The Decision class uses Pydantic to model a decision, ensuring that the answer is always an instance of the Answer enum.

class Decision(BaseModel):
    answer: Answer

Implement the Decision Function

The make_decision function is where the decision logic will be implemented, using chain() to process the question and return a decision. When using your own enums you want to edit this accordingly.

def make_decision(question: str) -> Decision:
    Based on the question decide yes or no.
    return chain()

Run the Decision System

This block runs the decision-making system, printing out the decision for a given question when the script is executed directly.

print(make_decision("Do you like apples?"))